15 May, 2010

Andalusian Scientists

I am stuck on Chapter 4 of my thesis. The motivation is slowly building, so I am forcing myself to devote this weekend to it as much as possible. I have classical on in the background (Music Choice Channel 440 via Bright House Cable). It’s a relaxing way to research and write for me personally. A good friend of mine prefers jazz. I tried. It’s just a little too upbeat for what I am doing. But I do love me some great jazz otherwise!

Anyway, I am currently gathering notes on Andalusian scientists. In my preliminary research for this chapter, I found some scientists/scholars that looked promising, although not necessarily from Andalusia. BTW, did you know that Andalus is Arabic for “land of the vandals”? I didn’t until beginning the chapter. Very cool! I digress…

There are several scholars of varying importance to Andalusia during the Middle Ages. The few that I have come across so far are:

Abu Ishaq Ibrahim an-Naqqash, aka al-Zarqali or Azarquiel. His name is derived from the Arabic term for “blue” or “the blue-eyed one” – zarqa. I wonder if that means he had blue eyes? I guess my research will guide me to his vitals.

Ibn Mu-adh al-Jayyani (spherical trigonometry)

Maslama ibn Ahmad al-Majriti (mercuric oxide or HgO)

As I discover more, I will add to this post.

I also found that Alfonse X "The Wise" founded a school for translators called The Translators School of Toledo. I am planning to incorporate this into Chapter 4 as it pertains to the translation movement in the West.