21 June, 2010

Two months remain…

Well, it’s nearing an end. There are only two months left in this semester and I am clearly a bit unfocused. I am almost finished writing Chapter 4 (which is now Chapter 3) and then I need to finish the Intro and the Concluding chapters. Whew! This sure has been an experience. There have been good days and bad. I have new ideas for further/future research endeavors. Now, if only I can make myself sit still and finish the task at hand, lol!

Seriously though. I have a few questions to answer within my document that were recently posed to me by my prof. He really makes me think…that there is much more research to be done, lol! ;D

Once my Thesis is turned in, I plan to update this blog space a bit with more sources, both book and electronic. Stay tuned for changes!

01 June, 2010

Almost there...

I am almost finished writing the draft of my MA Thesis. I have a couple more pages in Chapter 3 (old 4), the concluding chapter, and finishing up the Intro. Then I will put it all in the proper format and submit! I am sure there will be some rewriting/revising to come, but I am so excited to be almost there!!!